Architect: NSW Department of Primary Industries
Builder: Renascent Regional
Location: Cowra, New South Wales
System: Geothermal Exchange System with Horizontal Ground Heat Exchanger
Project Brief/Scope:
CWL Group provided an energy-conscious alternative to conventional heating and cooling for a state government client, providing heating and cooling for a key hub providing research, education, farming and community services in the Central Western Slopes of New South Wales.
The water-to-water ground source heat pump that CWL Group installed at the glasshouse utilises a horizontal-ground heat exchanger to tap into the stable heat source/sink that is the earth surrounding the site. Though ambient temperatures in Cowra can range from -8ºC to 46ºC, the temperature beneath the earth where the horizontal ground heat exchanger lies remains relatively steady throughout the year. This provides the geothermal exchange system with a source of heat in the winter, and a dense and cool place to reject heat to (a “heat-sink”) in the summer, resulting in increased system efficiency and reduced electrical consumption year-round.
“The research carried out at this new facility will have state-wide benefits as it will allow investigations into everything from tropical pasture grasses, which have the potential to significantly improve summer stock feed supply, through to pasture legumes through experiments using the controlled climate capacity of the facility,” said Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke.